This blog post was contributed by guest blogger Nicole Stevens.
One of the biggest reasons that led us to use cloth was cost. We didn’t want to be a slave to the baby aisle; schlepping giant packages of diapers home. We didn’t want to go to the grocery store and spend more money in the baby aisle than on food. With cloth, I now have the freedom to never buy another disposable diaper again - that is, if I no longer had the means to support my Smart Bottoms addiction. But we're not here to talk about that. In fact, I'd like to share how I got started with cloth diapering and why I love it so much!
My husband and I started using cloth diapers with our fifth baby. We previously used disposables on all of our other children, so this was completely uncharted territory for us. Luckily, I had some co-workers who were also having babies around the same time as me, and they were already passionate about cloth diapering. My colleagues gave me an overview of the basics on how to start and even provided insight on diaper storage, prepping and washing.
I instantly became in LOVE cloth diapering! To know that we were using the safest and most natural products on our baby really put us at ease. Using natural, organic cloth diapers gave us peace of mind that our baby wasn't going to be exposed to the chemicals found in disposables. Our son has never had a diaper rash -- which is a common symptom of using disposables. I'd say that's a win for a gentle, yet efficient diaper!
I am now a huge supporter of cloth diapering for the many benefits such as saving money, helping reduce our carbon footprint, and saving ourselves from blowouts (you do not get blowouts when you use cloth!) The adorable and cute prints are an added bonus. Try cloth diapering today!
About Nicole Stevens: I am a mother of 3 children and 2 bonus children, for a total of 5 babies, ranging in age from 12 to 8 months old I work full time at night for a busy Emergency Department at a community hospital as a Registered Nurse. I have a passion for arts and crafts and spend my days being creative making decorative items for our home. My husband and I enjoy living life and trying new things. The entire family loves the beach and we like to be on the water whenever possible. I am a believer in baby wearing, cloth diapering, natural products, breastfeeding and co-sleeping.