The Seat Saver is a Game-Changer!
Raise your hand if you know how dang messy parenthood can be? (This should be every parent out there!) Thankfully, the Smart Bottoms Seat Saver helps out with clean-ups in a safe and stylish way!
The Seat Saver is a small 1/8” thick pad that can be used in seats like these:
- Car Seat
- High Chairs
- Booster Seats
- Stroller
It has a waterproof backing and a super absorbent cotton/bamboo inner that prevents leaks. When you use one it keeps from having to take apart the whole seat in order to clean it up. Saving time and energy = game-changer!
Think about all the times your little one has had a potty training accident in his/her car seat. The Seat Saver could help soak up that mess! Yes, road trips or even quick drives to the grocery store will be a lot less messy. Or what about this scenario: Mealtime can get real sticky. Focus on cleaning up baby and the tray! That's right - no more wiping down the seat because all you have to do is remove the Seat Saver and either shake out crumbs/wipe it down, or throw it in the laundry basket if it got splattered with breakfast.
Many parents love using the Seat Saver in their strollers. Strollers of all types, brands and varieties are not cheap or easy to take apart. When you use a Seat Saver, you won't have to worry about fishing for dropped cereal in hard-to-reach crevices, or worse, soaking up spills or accidents in the stroller seat. The light bulb's going off, right?!

This product was designed with safety as the top priority. The shape of the seat saver avoids contact with belts and buckles. Already have a Seat Saver? Where do you use it the most? If you don't have one of these helpful products yet, click here to shop now.